Monday, September 23, 2013

Why care?

I took my son to a Doctor's appointment today and I reamed the Doctor today due to his own stupidity and ignorance. When I told my wife what happened, I was scorned for not being in the right. I did NOTHING wrong!

These foriegners come here to the U.S. and are given a free ride through school, they are in the best colleges on my tax dollar. When they are full fledged Doctors with that shiny paper, I go to them to see my child.... they tell me that the system is flawed, and they are bound by the restrictions...

I told the Doctor nothing out of the realm of reality, and I was scolded for not tending to the task at hand! I was told how I was wrong for unleashing my anger at the medical profession at the Doctor today.

The mother fucker could barely speak English. That in itself bothers me. When I pointed out all the facts of the matter, he was struck silent and in utter shock. 

I again told my wife why I did what I did, and said what I did and she in turn told me that I needed to not do that and to save my ranting for my blog... 

So, I guess that settles it... I am not allowed to voice my opinion. I am not allowed to say what needs to be said to those that need to hear it the most.

I fucking hate this shit hole corrupt fucking warped country! If I felt it were safe for my family somewhere else, I would go in heartbeat! Sadly, being a fat American does not gain popularity points anywhere! Even in America... 


that profit from the suffering of the rest of us...

I am not allowed to voice my opinion, to those who need to hear it. I am not allowed to voice my opinion in my own home... I am told to voice my thoughts on my blog where no one knows who I am or even gives a flying fuck... 

The sheeple have won this round... 

You will not silence me! 

You only intensify the manifesting anger within me...

Sunday, September 1, 2013

U.S. needs to strike Syria and Iran

From a born and raised 11th generation American...

I used to be PROUD to be American... used to be is the key words here.

Looking at how the world mocks and laughs at us, what the fuck is so great about being an American? I am absolutely serious!

Looking at the reports of how Iran is laughing their balls off at us RIGHT NOW is aggravating at the least!

Our economy is a fucking joke! The judicial system, it is so nonexistent that the fact cops are still patrolling is laughable!

I have some words for Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and every Muzlem still breathing...


Assad wants to kill you towel headed, cave dwelling, camel fuckers!? 


Seriously! What the fuck do I care about a bunch of dead fucking muzlemz? I understand that women and children were among the dead... shit happens! Last time I read reports, Al-Qaeda was getting their women and children involved in the fight.We let Assad kill his people or we do it for him, either way that is less we have to worry about later!

Looking at how they treat their women, what do I fucking care that they are dead? The men beat their wives since Allah allows and tells them to do so...

Personally, I feel that it is time we stop sending letters. Turn that place to glass. Kill every fucking Muzlem here and there.

Assad wants to kill the people in his country? PLEASE DO! That is a lot more dead muzlem, and I cannot tell you how happy that makes me! Watching a Muzlem burn has to be more entertaining then when I roast a quran!

I urge you to try that at the very least! I have to admit that when you burn a quran, it does smell like shit! That is what that book is, a bunch of pages written by a ass pounder that was rejected by a Jewish girl. After that rejection, he turned to pedophilia! 

NOT KIDDING! Look up Muhammad! He took a bride at the age of 9... I know that things were different back then but for the love of all that is holy... I can only say: Dude, WTF!? 

They are a maniacal, lying, manipulative race... Let anyone who wants that job of killing them to do just that! Please! 

I am the Mindful Lunatic and I approve this message!