Monday, November 4, 2013

Jesus Ran in NYC for My Sins... Seriously!

Jesus spotted at the New York City Marathon

The New York City Marathon usually falls just after Halloween, and as a result, there are always plenty of runners in costume.

On Sunday, one costume in particular delighted thousands of spectators along the 26.2-mile route: Jesus Christ, barefoot, with a large cross strapped to His back.

The sight of the Messiah among a parted sea of runners was reported by dozens of witnesses, many of whom snapped photos of the jogging Jesus and uploaded them to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

It appears that Jesus was among the record 50,000-plus runners officially registered for Sunday's marathon.

According to the New York City Marathon website, his bib number 55-970, affixed, naturally, to the cross belongs to Makoto Takeuchi, from Chiba, Japan. (It appears Takeuchi is a New York-based photographer; an email sent to the address listed on his website was not immediately returned.)

No word yet on the Son of God's finishing time, though he did reportedly have a little trouble running with the extra load.

Comments start here:

Have you accepted Jesus... as your personal trainer?

Yea, though I train through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no carbs...

Puzzled in NYC:
Ok, I admit it, ya made me smile.

Pastor Mike Melland:
Cute, cute.

@ Pastor: I am seriously curious... Are you truly ordained? If so, that just makes this joke all the more meaningful to me!

. . .  . . .  Same Article, different Line of Comments . . .   . . .

Funny how people are raging at this guy! It is within his rights to run as he saw fit to do. In this country people are so happy about the freedoms we have! Freedom of religion, speech, and expression to name a few! However, it seems that those freedoms are null and void if your speech, expressions, or religion differs from anyone else's...

That is the thing about freedom... We are free to think as we want, not be pigeon holed into what someone else feels is right for us. You want freedom for yourself? Then you need to embrace that others have it, and they may think differently than you!

I am with you on speech and religion. I have yet to read expression in the Constitution. That is something that was added, mistakenly, by the SCOTUS. Expression becomes a slippery slope.

I think one of the issues at hand here is this. People who have the right to complain, tend to complain about those who have their own rights. And they do not like it. But God forbid if anyone goes against them for their own rights. Then there is another issue all together.

Exactly! Those who preach tolerance and acceptance are tolerant of those who are like minded. It's an oxymoron.

@ Paul: I understand your point... I do and I can honestly say I appreciate it. Sadly we are so hindered by a word. There are a lot of things in the constitution that were applicable back during the times that they wrote it that are obsolete now. Same as in the bible!

Both documents regardless of your stance of them are both documents penned by man. That makes both documents fallible and self serving. There are things today that are happening that the authors of the constitution did not see happening! Abortions and Same Sex marriages to hit 2 of the hot topics...

As far as your point on expression, regardless of when it was added it is still in there. This man ran and I do not think it is morally allowed to impersonate Christ by religion. I think it is funny! I can do that since I am not religious.

The flip side of the same coin, you cannot go against the grain and expect no consequences! I can stand outside a church and protest against that faith promoting another, it is not illegal but it is going to come with consequences.

That is the problem I see with the people today! They want to force their views and thoughts on others and they are expecting NO recoil... YEAH! OK!

Too many want everything their way all the time. It takes more than one flavor to make a tasty dish is all I am saying with the idea that variety is the spice of life!

Personally, I did see anybody "Railing" in the least. Some funny comments, some preachy ones, but no railing. Where's the railing?
TML: Agreed. You wrote that real well.

No one is raging at this guy. It's just funny, is all, to see the #$%$ come out of the woodwork on parades like this.

@ Paul: Thank you! Truly appreciate the feedback!

Well said Lunatic!

To rephrase my comment since it has been pointed out that I am incorrect...
I saw a few earlier comments that were not very tasteful! Anytime someone does a stunt like this, the hardcore seem to materialize out of nowhere.

Again, I saw a few earlier comments that were not very complimentary. Then adding in the amount of comments that flooded after the first 30-50... There are currently over 2.4K comments. There is almost always a rager in there!

So, my assumption is quite possibly inflated by the normal trend of raging trolls! I never said rallying, I said raging. There is a difference but I see the error and I do apologize!

muslims will have a problem with this... they have a problem with everything in america as its not like the dump they came from

But Mindful, Jesus' cross was not cardboard duh

@ rita: WHAT?! Surely you joke! You mean that the blood thirsty, sadistic, torturing folks of yester year used REAL WOOD? Wow... I thought that deforestation was a new problem we have developed... that just ruined my day, thank you!

Dry humor is not easily conveyed online and in text format! ;D

The cross looked more like that light weight plastic. Just saying. I was also looking for a wheel at the bottom.

The cross tends to have that effect on people.

You know it:
people are raging at this? I don't subscribe to any religion and am not a believer but I see absolutely no problem with what he did...if anything, I would think that some Christians would be offended and screaming blasphemy not anybody else really...weird...

That is so true, that is why we are a free country. I personally am for any symbol that would draw others to christ as mankinds salvation and the freedom that comes from knowing christ. But that is what and who i put my trust in, i know others have there own beleifs and according to our constitution we as a nation are free to express our beleifs without the fear of being imprisoned or killed. This is why i love this country and am glad to be a citizen of it. I also because of my beleifs know that god has given all of us free will to choose him or not because he wants us to choose him because we realize that he is our creator and that as such he loves us unconditionally and wants us to be with him forever. Not trying to preach per say, i just beleive that accepting christ is the only way to be truly happy and live forever in pure love and want to share that with the world. I know that through the acceptance of his son's death jesus christ for the fogiveness of all our sins we are forgiven and it is a free gift that on accepting seals us for eternal life with god and jesus his son. A true acceptance will lead a person to be what god has always wanted man to be because through the gift of gods holy spirit we are transformed in our minds to choose good over evil. This change will bring joy and peace in your life and assurance of a wonderful eternal life after death that will be filled with a love that is beyond comprehension. We as human beings are not an accident we were created by the creator of life because that is what a creator does. We were created in his image so he could comune with us and lavish his love on us, all he wants is for us to accept him and return to him so he can continue to give us his love , but it has to be our choice because who would want someone to accept something out of fear. No, it has to be a genuine acceptance in your heart . Scripture says that there will be those that hear the plan of salvation but turn away or dismiss it due to there hardned stubborness, these people choose there fate after death just as us who beleive choose life over eternal death and a much more fullfilled life while we are still liveing here on earth. I am wondering who will also choose a more fullfilled life here and after by truly repenting and accepting that christ died as a liveing sacrifice so that we might see how much he truly love's us to save us from eternal death. That person would ask for forgiveness and choose to live faithfully by following gods word and liveing by example the truth . Folks it is a much more fulfilled life then the one as an unbeleiver , god rewards us who beleive and live accordingly with a joy and peace that is unexplainable and loses it's meaning in mere mortal terms. Sorry, i guess i couldn't help it i just had to preach a little, it is the prompting of gods holy spirit that is in me and so i must tell others what i have experienced so that someone may be convicted as i was and turn from evil and become what it is god wanted us to always be, sons and daughters of him who is the source of life.

Mind Full -- The attitude can be summed up in one simple little sentence: "Eeeewwww -- I don't liiiiiiiike it; make it go awaaaaaay~!!

 Paul -- Funny; I don't recall the Supreme Court adding that to the Constitution... And how could they add something by mistake?

Butt Commander -- So only intollerant people are tolerant of others who are different, right?

K -- It's a type of fence, or a barrier [like you see on a porch or flight of stairs].

"We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of other" - Barack Obama (while covering up his Benghazi screw-up). The problem is the double standard. If this were mocking Islam or Gays it would be treated as a hate crime by the media and the ruling Democrat elite. Nobody is saying it should be illegal or unconstitutional - just pathetic how the few stand up for decency when the target is Christians - and shows what drivel Obama's words are.

Strokin' -- Actually, what's funny are the moronic comments made by people like you, who don't have anything to stand up for and somehow think that people who do stand for something are #$#!!s.

Stupid Boy -- Seems like the problem here is that you have a problem with Muslims. If they have problems with everything in America, why did they immigrate? You're just full of sht, that's all.


Please go to the White House lawn and scream that second paragraph to Obama.

@ richard, there was another case of I.M. WHining vs the state of who cares, where the SCOTS ruled under some mistaken thought the I.M. Whining had "Freedom of Expression". I forgot all the ins and outs, but bottom line the libs have been hiding by that B.S. Screen, when it is not part of the Constitution.

Some people cant take a hint from some and 'not give a friction' to faith or looks or gender, much less sexual preferences. "Love the SINNER, Hate the SIN." and "Don't ask, don't tell". I don't want know some peoples' stuff.

@The Mindful Lunatic.....I agree, it absolutely does not matter what your stance is, both are penned by men but one is penned by the inspiration of God. Interesting that you know enough about the Bible to intentionally proclaim that both were penned by men in an attempt disregard what the Bible states. To say that abortion and same sex marriage were overlooked by God as He used man to pen the Bible shows that although you knew enough to attempt to discredit it with your 'both are penned by men' statement, it also shows that you don't know as much as you think. The Bible speaks about both to different churches that were dealing with those issues. Baal worshippers were killing babies long before planned parenthood and homosexuality was rampant many times throughout history. The latest of such would be the Greeks. What is right doesn't change, what people say is right changes. Interesting that you would talk about someone carrying a cross in an attempt to draw attention to Jesus not moral and in the same statement say that items written in the Bible and Constitution are inapplicable and are currently morally justifiable. There is nothing penned by the inspiration of God in the Bible that states that you cannot carry a cross in a race on your back to bring attention to Jesus. I agree with you that if you are going to step out and be bold concerning your beliefs that you should expect people to come against you and have some blow back and I think the man carrying the cross agrees with that. I didn't read anywhere in this story that the runner that was running as Jesus had a problem with people speaking negatively about what he did. I'm sure he knew that there would be people that hated what he did. What is really comical is that so many people that aren't Christian are offended by a man that is dressing up as the Savior and running a race. Everyone has a right to their opinion but it doesn't change what is right and wrong. I live life and do the wrong thing and make mistakes all of the time. I'm not suggesting that anyone is better than another person. I am just stating that just because you think that the constitution and the Bible are old and have no credibility doesn't mean that right and wrong have changed. Right will always be right and wrong will always be wrong. Whether or not we structure our society and government with morals or not determines what happens to our country and world.

@ Robert: Due to the fun I am anticipating in replying to you, I ask that you be patient! The fact of the matter is, that Yahoo will not post or keep any comments I make that are pasted into the comment/reply box. I will be replying to you! It is going to be broke up in to segments but replied to all the same! OK? OK! Cool!

Part 1.

First of of you pointed out the choice in words I used for the 2 documents I compared. Those being the Constitution and the Bible. Both penned by man. Seeing how I do not subscribe or believe in your god, I will stay to my stance that it was penned by man, in a language that has been dead for over a thousand years... In that time, there were FEW men who were taught to read and write. Of those fortunate enough to be a scholar and in that time, those who were taught to read and write were either lawyers of that time, to become politicians or they were religious scribes. Looking at the tendencies of the churches at that time, they had methods that ensured their messages were self serving. The Church was in the top 3 for death toll in that time. Chances are that the scribes wrote whatever they were told!

People wanting to live kind of has that effect!

As far as your assumption I dont know much? I would like to disagree highly! I was raised Christian, then went to a Baptist Church, only to marry my first wife who is Jewish. One of my closest friends growing up was Roman Catholic. I say was due to the fact he reached the age of reason and left the church. After my divorce from my 1st wife, I ended with a Pentecostal woman. Those people are seriously damaged goods! That is all I care to say on that!

I have spent years of my life, and i mean that, years studying, questioning, and researching religion vs tradition. Your bible that you cling to so tight was not written till almost 600 years after your alleged savior was dead. In 600 years of storytelling from generation to generation, you want me to believe that it is still the viable word of an invisible and forgotten deity? Also, you need to remember that your bible was not only written by man, but it has at least 2 testaments, and quite a bit of difference between the two!

@ Robert pt.2:

Now, I mentioned how the Bible has the two testaments... Right? yeah. OK, that said, there is the Old Testament and the New. Huge amounts of difference between them. The bible has been translated over 6,000 that we know of. Of the 6K translations there have been cultural and language changes in that long line editorial possibility!

Being that you are making assumptions of me that are not only wrong but not founded, I would like to make one of you. I will assume that you have at one point made the attempt to watch: Monty Python: The Quest for the Holy Grail.

The famous scene where King Aurthur was arguing with the Frenchman the first time at the castle where the French throw the livestock... The Frenchman yelled at King Arthur telling him:

"Your Mother was a hamster and your father wreaked of elderberries! Now, go away or I shall taunt you a second time! "

That is the English version of that part of the movie! On the special edition of that movie, there is a bonus disc where they have the same part in Japanese but... English subtitles! In that rendition the part plays out as such:

"Your mother never loved you, your father has disowned you! You have in turn brought great travesty and dishonor on your family name!"

This is 2 cultures with 2 different languages in my life time! I am only 37 years old and that much of a language/culture gap caused that amount of change in a dumb and poorly budgeted movie? I say poorly budgeted due to the Cocoanut halves being used instead of horses due to the budget being blown on the last scene where Arthur calls out an army to storm the castle. They shot that last scene first, thus blowing the budget for the movie and having to improvise the horses... which only added to the movie in my opinion!

However, translated 6K times over 1400 years or so... Yet they botch a classic movie line in today's world that bad from one culture to another... Yeah, I dont buy it!

Part 3 coming soon!

@ Robert pt.3:

Now, looking at my original comment that you felt complied to take apart... I would like for you to reexamine the fact that I DID NOT MENTION the bible in my statement of abortion and same sex marriage. Nope.

I mentioned those 2 hot topics when referring to the Constitution. Back when Washington and the other founding fathers were scheming up our original mandates of law and disorder here in the new world, they were Christian, Catholic, and a few practicing Pagans... however all of them agreed that religion was a blinding pigeon hole for man... Read up on it, you will see I am very much correct.

Again, you think I dont know things. I know lot more than you would ever assume! I know these things due to extensive research! That factored in with the fact that in yahoo comments, I rarely ever go too far in depth until challenged since people today rage at things that are against the grain! Then account for the fact that most today will skip over any comment that is in their mind too long to waste their time on.

Your reply, while lengthy was pretty decent but uninformed, and your assumptions by far way off target. I felt the need to reply and I will continue to do so until I feel I have addressed all your points.

Now, again I knew that there is 1 passage that plainly speaks against same sex relations. Leviticus18:22 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind." It states that same sex relations are forbade, but does NOT say anything against same sex marriage. Funny.

Looking at the fact that Leviticus was in the Old Testament, that means that the new testament is a revised and much more friendly version...

Personally, I am in violation of Leviticus 19:28! A passage i have memorized actually! "Thou shall not make any markings upon your skin or cuttings in your flesh, for I am the Lord"

I have over 200 hours of tattoo work on my body.... Oops. Jesus is gonna be slightly miffed I guess....

@ Robert pt.4:

As you can see, nothing you will say to me will convince me of anything. My wife, and the mother of my children who was born and raised a southern conservative, hardcore Church of Christ believer will tell you that arguing with me about religion or politics is absolutely pointless!

I have stumped Doctors, Priests, Cardinals, Pastors, at least 3 different Rabis, Preachers, Elders, and a slew of others in a higher ranking people of a religious followings.

What it all boils down to is that you self righteous, bible thumping, Lemming Sheeple who remain so blissfully blinded by the fear of thinking for yourselves that you will let another mortal take your money and your freedoms in exchange for a place at a fictional character's side after you die...

I want to write a religion! I do! If I can rake in 10-15% of someone's income, tax free! Then I can go and get a tax waiver for what I am buying only to tell people that they are investing in their afterlife... There is no need for a return policy or escape clause!

You said how I do not know as much as I think I do... Yeah, I do.

At the end of the day, and when you have run out of your recycled garbage to throw at me... I eventually get the same answer from EVERYONE!

"You just have to have faith..."

No... No faith needed. I want answers that no one can provide. My questions and my education makes other uncomfortable. My enlightenment is more important to me, than your comfort.

You used words in reference to Christ that you were sure of... you thought that... Really? If you were there, why did the scriptures not get wrote until much later!

Your bible, and every religion known to man is fallible due to the fact that it was written BY MAN, repeated to others by OTHER men, and then twisted, and interpreted for the use of MAN...

Nothing you say Robert will ever change my mind...

If there is a god... he left us on a shelf and forgot about us a long time ago. Your god abandoned you and the other 7+ billion people alive today.

I guess we are all celestial bastards...

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